This is the parade presenting the Boer War Maxim Gun to the people of Oswestry in 1915 as they raised the money to buy it.
Does anyone know what happened to the Boer War Maxim Gun that was presented to Oswestry in 1903, having originally been paid for by the people of Oswestry.
Newspaper reports from 1903 state that the Gun, was returned to Oswestry having been taken back from the Boers who captured it.
The plaque is in the Guildhall, but sadly in a rear corridor were it is difficult to see. I hope to be able to post photographs of it soon.
The people of Oswestry raised £638 2sh 6d (today = £36,461) to pay for the gun plus approx £1200 (today = £68,472) in War Relief funds.
Mr A Lashmore, won the tender for producing the tablet, stated “Transvaal War 1900 – 1902. This tablet is erected by the Corporation of Oswestry in grateful recognition of the officers, non -commissioned officers, and men who served in the Imperial Forces from the Borough of Oswestry.”
A full list of all 120 men then follows.
The Oswestry and Border Advertiser printed this in March 1903.
“Gun and Tablet” – “The Committee met on February 24th, and reported that tenders for the erection of a tablet in the Guildhall were received, and that the tender of Mr A Lashmore to supply same, at £47 10sh, was accepted”. (Today = £2710.35p).