Research Resources

  1. OF&LHG Websites Guide
  2. OF&LHG Resource Guide (A complete list of  resources available in Oswestry Library)
  3. Monumental Inscriptions for St Michael’s, West Felton
  4. Monumental Inscriptions for St Chad’s, Haughton
  5. Businesses in Oswestry Streets c 1958
  6. St. Oswald’s WW1 Photograph Album
  7. Memorial Registers, WWI, Shropshire Cemeteries
  8. St Oswalds School, Ellesmere, Roll Of Honour 1914-1918   
  9. Mr Stanley Leighton’s 3 Drawings Books   
  10. Oswestry & Welsh Border Area Crimean War Veterans
  11. The History/Scrapbook/Prospectus of Queen’s Park School, Oswestry
  12. Oswestry Guide 1900 & 1963
  13. Oswestry Boy’s Modern School Booklet 1958
  14. Oswestry & District Hospital Souvenir Brochure 1969
  15. Information about Ammunition Stores and Factories near Oswestry
  16. BCA Jubilee Edition 1849-1899
  17. Farm Bills  
  18. Llanymynech Lime & Rock Men + 1 Women
  19. Grimpo Village Absent Voters List for 1918  
  20. Dovaston Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs
  21. Knockin Heath Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs
  22. Oswestry & Borders Veterans – not Crimean
  23. Llansilin Village including the school & War Memorial
  24. Schools in Oswestry and the Surrounding Area
  25. Burgess Records of  Oswestry
  26. Maesbrook Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs

1. Websites.

This guide shows some of the best Websites to visit, to help you with your Family History Research.

    OF&LHG Website Guide 5

2. Resource Guide  (A complete list of  resources available in Oswestry Library)


3. Monumental Inscriptions for St Michael’s, West Felton, Shropshire

   St Michael’s MIs Issue 2

4. Monumental Inscriptionsfor St Chad’s, Haughton, Shropshire

   St Chads MIs Issue 2 

5. Businesses in Oswestry Streets c 1958

pdficon_large    Businesses in Oswestry Streets c1958

6.      St. Oswald’s WW1 Photograph Album

     St. Oswald’s WW1 Album

7. Memorial Registers, WWI, Shropshire Cemeteries

  Memorial Register, WW1, Shropshire 1-148, Cemeteries and Churchyards in Shropshire

8.  St Oswald’s School, Ellesmere, Roll Of Honour 1914-1918

   ROH St. Oswald’s School V1

   ROH St. Oswald’s School Names Index V1 

9.  Mr Stanley Leighton’s 3 Drawings Books

    Leighton Book 1

    Leighton book 2

    Leighton book 3 

10. Oswestry & Welsh Border Area Crimean War Veterans

  Os and Brdr Cr Note

pdficon_large  Crimea-war-Index-V3

pdficon_large  North Salop Crimean War Veterans Index

11. The History/Scrapbook/Prospectus of Queen’s Park School, Oswestry

  History  Issue5



12. Oswestry Guides

  Oswestry Guide – 1963   

   Guide to Oswestry – Adverts c1900

13.  Oswestry Boy’s Modern School Booklet

  Oswestry Boy’s Modern School Booklet 1958

14.  Oswestry & District Hospital Souvenir Brochure 1969

  Oswestry and District Hospital 1969

15.   Information about Ammunition Stores and Factories near Oswestry

  Kinnerley Ammunition

16.   BCA Jubilee Edition 1849-1899

  BCA Jubilee Edition 1849-1899

17.  Farm Bills

  Farm Bills

18.   Llanymynech Lime & Rock Men + 1 Women

Use the Database first to find the subject, further information can then be found in the PDF by searching for the subject name, using Ctrl F. Articles have now been added to the end of the PDF.

excel icon Database

 Llanymynech Lime and Rock Men V2

19. Grimpo Absent Voters List for 1918

  Absent From Home by house  

20. Dovaston Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs

  Dovaston Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs

21.  Knockin Heath Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs

   Knockin Heath Graveyard

22. Oswestry & Borders Veterans – not Crimean War see 10.

 Oswestry veterans NOT CRIMEAN 4

23.   Llansilin Village including School & War Memorial

pdficon_large   Llansilin Village

24. Schools in Oswestry and the Surrounding Area

pdficon_large Schools-in-Oswestry-surr-area-v16

25. Burgess Records of Oswestry

excel icon Burgesses of Oswestry

 26.  Maesbrook Churchyard Monumental Inscriptions with photographs

pdficon_large   St. John’s Church, Maesbrook